Here are some of the potential operational needs that ACS could support:
- Weather intelligence (input to OEM and SKYWARN)
- Distributed situational awareness in large-scale events —armchair, neighborhood, and windshield assessments
- Shelter communications
- H&W traffic
- EOC telephone reception and logistics support
- Communications support for search and rescue (SAR) operations
- Surge capacity for communications support in disaster operations — voice, video, data
- Logistics and communications infrastructure support for staging areas and field operations (including shelter, power distribution, telephone, computer, and radio facilities)
Here are some of the potential infrastructure needs that ACS could support:
- Develop cache of equipment to support operations mentioned above
- Equip critical facilities, such as hospitals, with equipment such as permanently installed antennas to permit operations on Amateur Radio frequencies
- Develop high-speed wireless data networks, independent of commercial infrastructure, to provide backup capability to support critical data communications needs.
- Improve utilization of NOAA Weather Radio (NWR)
- Develop capability to provide civil emergency announcements via NWR
- Develop program to deploy NWR alert systems in Government and private buildings throughout Montgomery County
- Institute public awareness campaign to encourage County residents to acquire NWRs for their homes.